I Spoke Too Soon...
Looks like the light at the end of the tunnel IS an oncoming train! In addition to the 3 IEP's next week that I knew about, I got an email yesterday about 5 more IEP's next week for new kids. So, yeah, that's EIGHT IEP's. In a week. On top of trying to actually hold class. Grrrrrr. I also realized yesterday that the last Interim Assessments (tests my district gives 3x a year) are starting this coming week too. Then I have to do report cards...
Yup. It's a train.
Yup. It's a train.
Elizabeth, who did you have a question about? You can just use first name and last initial, if that helps. Our school wasn't that big, so I am sure I will know who you are referring to.
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM
If you're checking back, do you have an email or anything for Donald S.? I lost touch with him about 4 years ago.
Elizabeth, at 8:04 PM
Sorry it's all crashing down at once! I can't imagine how teachers get it all done. MIL and SIL are special education teachers and they are my heroes!
Anonymous, at 10:18 AM
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