And It Came To Pass...Usually

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Four Years Ago...

on this day, at 11 AM, I was married to my sweetheart for time and all eternity. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I spent a sleepless night, half excited, half nervous about the coming day. Would it be perfect? Would I manage to make it through the day without any mishaps? All my fears were unfounded...the day was storybook perfect, and it was the beginning of an amazing chapter in my life. My husband is the most wonderful man--kind, considerate, gentle, and the most incredible father! I knew he truly loved me when he saw my physical scars and said he was thankful for every single one of them because it meant I'm alive to share my life with him. I knew he truly loved me when he didn't mind changing the sheets at 2:30 AM because my morning sickness struck in the middle of the night. I knew he truly loved me when he spent hours upon hours in the emergency room with me (every other weekend for 5 months...during pregnancy) calming me down and assuring me we would be ok. I know he loves me still because he takes time every day (multiple times each day) to tell me he loves me. I know he loves me still because he still gets up with me each morning to see me off to work, even when he's only gotten 3 or 4 hours of sleep himself. I know he loves me still because he treats me like a queen, and I know I am the most important person in his life (aside from our son!). He is my husband. He is my companion. He is my best friend.


  • You found yourself a keeper :) Happy anniversary!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:06 AM  

  • AWWWW!!! H~A~P~P~Y~*~A~N~N~I~V~R~S~A~R~Y!

    Congratulations, I hope you both have a wonderful day!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:16 PM  

  • Happy anniversary! You were a beautiful bride!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:05 AM  

  • Look how beautiful you are Elizabeth! Congratulations on 4 successful years. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:42 PM  

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