And It Came To Pass...Usually

Sunday, April 23, 2006

OK Digital World...I'm still here

Contrary to popular belief, I'm still here! Work continues to be insane, taking up a huge portion of my time. Any other time is taken up with Demolition Boy. Just to show you how busy things are, here's what's happened since I last blogged:

1) My teacher's assistant was out for a week. That, in and of itself, makes life almost unbearable while it lasts. I get very little done when she's not there. In addition to the weeklong absence, she's also had several one day absences too. On a positive note, she has found a new position in the school district which will hopefully be a better fit for her, and she switches positions at the end of April. I'm just praying I get a new TA before the end of the school year.

2) We went to Utah. See previous entry for all the lovely details. I'm still tired from that trip!

3) I've started interviewing at different schools to move from Resource to Early Childhood Special Education. Translation: I'll be teaching preschool. I'm waiting to hear back on a position I interviewed for on Thursday.

4) We took Daniel to the audiologist last week to see what we need to do to get the ball rolling for speech therapy. Turns out Daniel has a 30% loss in one ear! The audiologist feels it's due to fluid behind the eardrum, so we've taken him into the pedi and he's now on a 2 week round of antibiotics. We go back in a few weeks, repeat the test, then go from there. Thanks to a MOF, I know just what tests to ask for!

5) Last, but not least, an truly amazing thing has happened in my family. We (as is my side of the family) have been reunited with a family member we haven't seen in 15 years. If I could do a digital happy dance, I would!!!

So what's been happening in your neck of the woods?


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